Agenda : HUMAN ALGORITHM (San Francisco 2012)
We expect to finalize the agenda in the coming days ahead.
We are currently seeking lecturers for this event. Only the following are considered: mobile telecommunications, venture capitalists, Fortune 1000 companies, experts in server scalability, social algorithm experts, SQL/NoSQL executives + big data behavioral marketing experts. Please click here if you are interested in speaking at this event}
Human Algorithms is sponsoring the NCMEC (National Center for Missing & Exploited Children). The NCMEC helped find Elizabeth Smart, (age 15) after being missing over 9 months. Please report if you have seen any of the missing children in this banner to the NCMEC.
9:00 AMHuman Intelligence in the CloudSpeaker:
Sharon Chiarella (Vice President)
amazon mechanical turk
Location: Ballroom9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
NETWORKING BREAK10:30 AMGeospatial Visualization of Big DataSpeaker:
Bob Lee (CEO)
Moonshadow Mobile
Location: Ballroom11:15 AMScaling Java Applications with Clustered CachingSpeaker:
Slava Imeshev (Founder and CEO)
Cacheonix Systems
Location: Ballroom12:00 Noon - 1:30 PM
Ballroom1:30 PMLeveraging Massively-Parallel Data Platforms for Predictive AnalyticsSpeaker:
Steven Hillion (Chief Product Officer)
Alpine Data Labs
Location: Ballroom2:15 PMApp Intelligence: The Next Frontier in the Data-Driven RevolutionSpeaker:
John A. De Goes (CEO, Founder)
Location: Ballroom3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Ballroom3:30 PMBig Data StorageSpeaker:
Ingo Fuchs (Senior Product Marketing Manager)
Location: Ballroom4:15 PMBig Data AnalticsSpeaker:
To Be Announced Karmasphere
Location: Ballroom10:00 - to - 11:59 PMEVENING PARTY
Cocktail Reception.
To Be Announced'
Location: To Be Announced8:45 AM - 5:00 PM
Registration & Exhibit Hall opens
Ballroom9:00 AMLinear Learning Methods for Big DataSpeaker:
Ulrich Rueckert (Data Scientist)
Location: Ballroom9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
Ballroom10:30 AMLatest Methods of AI for Leveraging CrowdsourcingSpeaker:
Max Yankelevich (CEO)
Crowd Computing Systems
Location: Ballroom11:15 AMProofing Hadoop Clusters with Automatic Service FailoverSpeaker:
Jeffery Krone (Vice President of R&D)
Location: Ballroom12:00 Noon - 1:30 PM
Ballroom1:30 PMTo Be AnnouncedSpeaker:
To Be Announced Location: Ballroom2:00 PMTo Be AnnouncedSpeaker:
To Be Announced Location: Ballroom2:30 PMSocial Media Algorithms: Charting Collections of Connections and the Creaton of Maps and MeasuresSpeaker:
Marc Smith (Director)
SocialMedia Research Foundation
Location: Ballroom3:00 PM - 3:30 PM